How to Add a QR Code to Your Real Estate Printables for Free

Do you use a lot of real estate printables for your marketing activities? Print design is still a powerful way of turning prospects into clients because people react more positively to physical things they can hold and touch.

Unlike a decade ago, real estate printables can be easily turned into interactive content today in a second.

Did you know many possibilities had been added to a QR code since the first barcode implementation that could improve your real estate marketing efforts?

If you’re unsure how to utilize the QR codes for your real estate marketing, read this article to find out how to convert any print into interactive prospect-engaging content – for free.

What is a QR code?

Quick response, or QR, is a type of barcode that can store information. The obvious difference between a QR code and a barcode is their visual appearance.

While a typical barcode has vertical bars and a serial number, the QR code looks like a square that consists of smaller pixelated or tetris-like blocks.


What types of QR codes are there?

Because of its versatility, a QR code can be programmed to do many things. And therefore, it’s split into two formats: static (simple) and dynamic (complex).


What’s the difference?

The static QR code presents a web link (an URL) to any website destination of your choice. Once the code is generated, the URL cannot be changed.

Similarly, the dynamic QR code also presents one web link (an URL) to any website destination of your choice. But, once the code is generated, the URL is editable, so it can be changed as you wish, even after your marketing designs have been printed.


What can you get for free?

Online QR code generators usually offer static QR codes for free. In most cases, you can generate as many as you wish.

With some generators, you can add your logo or icon to the code and customize its color and shape.


How to generate a QR code

All you need to do to generate a QR code is to copy and paste the URL of your desired web destination.

We like to use the QR Code Generator at REALTY KIOSK because of its versatility. But, any tool listed at the end will do a great job generating simple black-and-white codes so you can choose the one you like based on your personal preferences and needs.


How to download the QR code

Once you’re done generating and visually customizing the QR code, you need to download the code to your computer (unless you’re using Canva).

Most of the tools will offer an image and/or vector download.

Designers will always choose a vector option. For beginners unsure how to use vector files, we recommend downloading an image file (.png) in the biggest size possible.


What to do with a QR code file

Now that you have the QR code image file, you can import it into any design file.

Remember that one QR code is equal to one permanent link. So, if you want to change your link later, consider using a dynamic QR code instead of a static one.

Be careful not to down-size your QR code too much. Stick to the standard minimum size for the printed QR code, which is 0.8x0.8in (2x2cm). If you make it smaller than that, many devices won’t be able to scan it.

Always place the QR code on the clear white area so devices can scan it more easily.

Once positioned well, print your designs in a standard way.

Furthermore, you can also put a QR code on any physical product. Just ensure that the size is correct and that the material won’t distort the code to the point that it’s not scannable.

Web destination ideas for generating your QR code

Here are some simple and helpful link ideas to use a QR code for:

  • Website – generate more website traffic.

  • Facebook – generate more Facebook followers.

  • Instagram – generate more Instagram followers.

  • YouTube – do you promote your listings with, e.g., walkthroughs or open house videos? Generate the QR code for each listing and put it on the flyer, brochure, newspaper ad, etc.

  • Yelp, Google Business, etc. – do you have many client reviews on your local business profile? Share them in your brochure, client guides, pre-listing presentations, client lead magnets, etc.

  • Blog Article – if you run a blog, there must be a dozen valuable pieces of information to which you can refer your prospects.

  • Subscribe Link – grow your email list by sharing a subscribe link.

  • Property Web Page – refer leads to additional info and property image gallery.

  • Geolocation – share the physical event or property location.

  • Contact Web Page – send prospects directly to your contact form.

  • SMS – generate a code with a predefined SMS message. When the prospects scan it, the message will be sent automatically.

  • Email – if SMS is too short for you, use an email instead. Define the email content, which will be emailed when the prospect scans the code.

  • VCard – let your prospects save your contact details on their mobile devices. This way, your prospects won’t misspell your name or type the wrong number.


What if you need to change the link of your QR code

Suppose you had used a free static QR code. Unfortunately, no changes are possible because the URL is part of the QR code’s visual pattern.

Free static QR codes are an excellent solution for permanent URLs such as your website home page and short-term promotions.

But, if you want the ability to edit the URL, you need to use a dynamic QR code. E.g., you might change your social media account name or phone number and don’t want your old codes to stop working.

Dynamic QR codes have a URL embedded in the code (not the printed pattern), which can redirect the user to the destination website URL. The destination can be changed after the QR code has been generated and printed.


What’s possible with a dynamic QR code

As mentioned above, you can change the URL with a dynamic QR code whenever you want. Plus, it provides a bit more complex actions than static code.

To access the dynamic code, in most cases, you’ll be asked to create an account and choose a subscription that fits your needs.

Once you create an account, you’ll get your online space or storage with a done-for-you front page your prospects will come to after scanning your QR code.

Also, you can protect a dynamic QR code with a password, find out how many people scanned your code, or track what type of devices scanned it.


More flexible link ideas for dynamic QR codes

  • Business Page – display your detailed business information on a brand-matching online page. Great if you don’t have a website yet.

  • VCard – display your detailed contact info with a save-to-phone feature.

  • Zoom meetings – share your meetings or group calls.

  • Social media – link to all your social media profiles in one QR code.

  • Facebook - display a Facebook Like Button to get followers directly from your printed materials and promo products.

  • PDF - share a downloadable PDF lead magnet such as a home buyer checklist, questionnaire, or guide.

  • Video - share one or more YouTube property videos.

  • Image Gallery - display the property photo gallery in one QR code.

  • Event - promote your events with a save-to-calendar feature.

  • MP3 - do you have a podcast? Add a valuable episode to any print design.

  • Coupon - do you work together with some local small businesses? Promote your business by sharing their coupons.

  • Feedback - collect your client’s feedback efficiently with an online form. Place the code on your client exit package or thank you gift.


Top 10 Online QR code generators

QR Code Generator

Canva QR Code

QR Code Monkey



QR Stuff

QR Code Chimp

QR Tiger

The QR Code Generator



Create your real estate printables in minutes

Find a variety of Canva templates to which you can add your static or dynamic QR codes in our Templates Kiosk for Realtors HERE.

Plus, you can edit all templates to your requirements, branding, local specifics, and regulations.

If you need our assistance with product customization, we are always happy to accommodate your needs. Please submit your inquiry HERE.

We hope this article will help you create suitable QR codes to convert your standard real estate printables into interactive and engaging ones.


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